Dieses Jahr gab es für die Familie zu Weihnachten zwei Krippen
im Maßstab 1:72. Ich habe mich für orientalische Krippen entschieden und
versucht und bei der Bemalung auf eine reduzierte Palette zurückgegriffen. Die
Kleidung sollte einigermaßen glaubwürdig ärmliche Gewänder des Jahres „0“
widerspiegeln und Maria und Josef nicht zu sehr in Schwarzwaldkitsch und Ölschinken
des Siebzehnten Jahrhunderts darstellen.
Ein bißchen Kitsch muß dennoch sein, denn es ist ja
Weihnachten und so dürfen Diener, Tierchen und natürlich besagte „Magier“ aus
dem Morgenland nicht fehlen. Der Stall ist bewußt einfach gehalten und leicht
gammlig aus Streichhölzern und Balsaholz entstanden, welche mit Farben und
Washes gealtert wurden.
Die Figuren
Die Figuren entstammen dem Sortiment des Ykreol Weihnachtsets, welches leider nicht gerade leicht zu bekommen ist. Die Weisen sind teils Araber von Nicolai Figuren, welche meiner Meinung nach nicht ganz so kitschig rüberkommen. Die Tiere entstammen dem sehr tollen Farm Animal Set von Pegasus. Die Hirten und Diener sind umgebaute Soldaten aus dem Bauernkrieg und Kossacken von Zvezda. Die Kamele wurden vom Britischen Camel Corps der Firma Hät entliehen.
Die Bemalung
Die Palmen
Die Palmen entstanden aus einem Bündel Blumendraht, welche mit
Bast umwickelt und danach bemalt wurde. Die Blätter sind ein Paar Lagen
Buntpapier welches gefaltet und die Blätter mit einer Schere eingeschnitten
wurden (das leicht transparente Buntpapier für Kinder aus dem Supermarkt hatte
bei Tests am besten abgeschnitten). Für diese Arbeit sollte man sich eins, zwei
langweilige Abende wählen, denn es dauert einfach seine Zeit.
Die Bodenplatten entstanden aus lufttrocknender Modelliermasse,
die mit einem alten Pinsel bearbeit wurde und anschließen mit Weißleim und Sand
aus dem Modelleisenbahn Sortiment bestrichen wurde. Die Grasbüschel sind aus
Streumaterial von Noch und Weißleim angefertigt worden und wurden hier und da
auf der Platte platziert. Als Sockel habe ich abermals einen Bilderahmen verwendet
und als Staubschutz dient die nächsten Jahre eine Vitrine aus Acrylglas.
For Christmas this year I build two little crips. I have decided to make Oriental cribs and tried focused the painting on a more or less realistic setting. Clothing
should reflect reasonably credible humble garments of the year "0" and
Mary and Joseph should look not too cheesy like they do on many oil paintings of the Seventeenth Century.
Because it's Christmas a little kitsch has to be part of the show. We got servants, animals and of course the "Magician" from the East. The stable is consciously kept simple and was build with thin wood and painted with several washings.
The figures
The figures are taken from the range of Ykreol Christmas sets which are not easy to get. The wise men are partly Arabs made by Nicolai figures. The animals come from the very great Farm Animal Set by Pegasus. The shepherds and servants are converted soldiers from the Peasants' War and Cossacks from Zvezda. The camels were borrowed from the British Camel Corps of Hät .
The painting
The painting was done using the most common techniques that I have already presented more often on this blogg. As a conclusion only remains my personal statement that I do not want to miss the washes of Vallejo and acrylic colors - its simply fun to work with that kind of things. The painting of animals especially sheep and goats were a lot more strenuous than the painting of the human figures.
The palm trees
The palms were made out of of floral wire which was wrapped with raffia and painted afterwards. The leaves are a pair of layers of colored paper which is folded and the leaves were cut with scissors (the slightly transparent colored paper for children from the grocery store was my personal favourite). But that work needs some time.
Bottom plate
The floor plates were made using air-drying modeling clay which was sculptured with an old brush and coated with white glue and sand from the model railway range. The grass tufts are made of litter material and white glue. The showcase is made of acrylic glass and hopefully protects the little crips against evil dust.
The figures
The figures are taken from the range of Ykreol Christmas sets which are not easy to get. The wise men are partly Arabs made by Nicolai figures. The animals come from the very great Farm Animal Set by Pegasus. The shepherds and servants are converted soldiers from the Peasants' War and Cossacks from Zvezda. The camels were borrowed from the British Camel Corps of Hät .
The painting
The painting was done using the most common techniques that I have already presented more often on this blogg. As a conclusion only remains my personal statement that I do not want to miss the washes of Vallejo and acrylic colors - its simply fun to work with that kind of things. The painting of animals especially sheep and goats were a lot more strenuous than the painting of the human figures.
The palm trees
The palms were made out of of floral wire which was wrapped with raffia and painted afterwards. The leaves are a pair of layers of colored paper which is folded and the leaves were cut with scissors (the slightly transparent colored paper for children from the grocery store was my personal favourite). But that work needs some time.
Bottom plate
The floor plates were made using air-drying modeling clay which was sculptured with an old brush and coated with white glue and sand from the model railway range. The grass tufts are made of litter material and white glue. The showcase is made of acrylic glass and hopefully protects the little crips against evil dust.
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